Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween

In the spirit of Halloween, I thought it would be fun to do a little side project doing vector illustrations of house pets dressed as monsters from classic monster movies. I came up with the idea a couple months ago while driving to the library, and even had a couple of my characters done within a couple weeks, but I took a bit of a break because of a job opportunity that came my way. Now that I am settled into my new home, and with another job under my belt, I thought that I should probably finish my last character that I was working on, and what perfect day to do that than, well, Halloween! I plan on doing more characters as the weeks/months go on, as well as branding the project. So from me to you, I hope that your night is filled with lots of candy, monster movies, and possibly a visit by the Great Pumpkin! Happy Halloween, everyone!

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